About the Author:
Born and raised in Texas, "Kaimera" (any pronouns, but ze/zem/zir preferred) is a queer neurodivergent writer currently serving as an English teacher at a local high school and jointly with the local community college. Ze is proud of zir dash of Choctaw blood, and has been working to strengthen zir connection to the thriving modern culture and its historic roots.
Zir writing is a bizarre, chimerical blend of numerous genres and interests that tend to revolve through their mind over time, hence the name of the site: The Kimerousel (or Kimerical Carousel, in longer form). Ever since ze was litte, ze has always been an avid reader and writer of many genres, and this clearly shows in zir work. Ze usually operates within the spheres of Fantasy and Science Fiction, though ze makes occasional forays into Paranormal/Urban Fantasy, Alternate History, and Poetry. Some things, however, always remain the same: zir love of queer romances and zir casts of diverse characters, for instance. Someday, Kaimera hopes to create zir own small press; for now, ze's content with just getting the next book finished.
Star Sign: Cancer on the cusp of Leo
A Few Fav Books: The Locked Tomb series, The Wisdom's Grave trilogy, The Graveyard Book, The Kaiju Preservation Society, Vespertine, His Dark Materials
Games: Red Dead Redemption 2, Guild Wars 2, Armored Core, Pokemon, Animal Crossing, & Kirby
Assorted Interests & Hobbies: Video games, writing, art, carousels, birdwatching, animal trivia, history & culture, reading, monsters & mythology, religion & the occult